8 Internet Entrepreneurs Who Changed The World Forever

Many people have contributed to the world by creating innovations through the internet, however the ones listed in the post have made some of the biggest impacts. In this post, I shared with you 8 internet entrepreneurs who changed the world forever.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not possible with an overnight miracle. You need to be diligent and determined to reach success whether it’s a physical company or an internet based business. Some entrepreneurs have changed the world with their businesses. Some of them were pioneers of a specific niche and others have changed the lives of millions with small improvements to pre-existing ideas.

Through the years, business types have evolved and a lot has changed. Over the last decade or so, internet based businesses have reached the pinnacles of success rapidly and become extremely popular. There are a number of people who have become successful and famous through internet businesses.

If you need some inspiration or motivation to pursue your internet based business, this is the article you should be reading. Here are 8 internet entrepreneurs who changed the world forever:

1. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and an internet entrepreneur. He founded the famous social networking website Facebook and he became one of the youngest billionaires in the world. He made an impact in the world by developing the social media platform that was able to connect the world together. Today, he is also a well-known philanthropist.

2. Jimmy Wales

One of the most popular websites that people use as a reference on the internet is Wikipedia. Jimmy Wales is one of the co-founders of the website. He started a peer-reviewed, open-content encyclopedia which was called Nupedia. He utilized the ideas of Nupedia with his “wiki” software and formed what we call today to be the Wikipedia. Wikipedia became the world’s largest encyclopedia and he was recognized in 2006 as one of the most influential people in the world.

3. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by far is one of the most influential people known to men in the field of technology. He is an American entrepreneur, a marketer and inventor that co-founded the company Apple. Under his guidance, the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technologies, including the iPhone and iPad. Although he has passed away, his legacy remains, and he will always be known as one of the people that changed the world.

4. Jeff Bezos

Among the most ambitious entrepreneurs, Jeff Bezos is probably the most ambitious. He had a nice high paying job, but he preferred to quit the job and sell books online. He founded the famous e-commerce company called Amazon.com that started off selling books in the late 90’s. However, he decided that the vision was too small and decided to sell everything online and it has become the multi-billion dollar powerhouse it is today. He was named as the Person of the Year in 1999.

5. Jack Ma

Jack Ma is a simple Chinese guy that came from a low-income family. He had a great vision for the future and he strived to reach his goals since he was very young. He founded the Alibaba group, which is similar to eBay and Amazon. It’s a Chinese-based business marketplace site that serves international businesses. He also founded TaoBao.com, an online auction website that is also similar to eBay.

6. Craig Newmark

Craig Newmark is an internet entrepreneur that invented Craigslist. Craigslist is one of the most visited websites on the Internet in present day. It is a centralized network of communities that features free advertisements and forums on various topics.

7. Bill Gates

Bill Gates is well known for being one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. He is one of the most influential people on the planet and one of the entrepreneurs that have changed the world. He founded the world’s largest software business, Microsoft. He is known today as business guru, investor, programmer, inventor and philanthropist.

8. Sergey Brin & Larry Page

The duo is the famous founders of the biggest search engine named “Google.” They named the company based on the mathematical term “googol.” They changed the world by changing the way we access and find information on the internet.


Many people have contributed to the world by creating innovations through the internet, however the ones listed in the post have made some of the biggest impacts. In this post, I shared with you 8 internet entrepreneurs who changed the world forever.

The Step By Step Guide On How To Create Wealth In Your 20s

In this post, I share with you the step by step guide on how to create wealth in your 20s. Hustling should be done at an early stage such as your 20s. It can lead you to success and help you create your wealth at an early age.

Your 20s are meant for hustling. This is the period of time where you’ll have the energy and freedom to work 80 hour weeks and sleep less than 20 hours a week. In this phase of your life, you can grow your business, financial status and set yourself up for the rest of your life.

Unlike our parent’s generation, we have incredible opportunities at our fingertips. Growing up with technology, we have the competitive advantage to build brands and accomplish things that solely rely on digital marketing and technology. Thus, it is easier to succeed and accumulate wealth at a rapid pace today than it has ever been before.

As early as your 20s, you can create wealth and enjoy it. In this post, I will share with you the step by step guide on how to create wealth in your 20s.

1. Stash A Small Amount For Retirement

Saving for your retirement doesn’t mean that you are going to retire early. If you start with the habit of stashing a percentage of the money you make for your retirement, it will be there for you in the future. Training yourself to live on less than what you earn will give you a chance to funnel some amount to your 401(k) or IRA Account. When it comes to saving for a retirement, the compound growth that you can receive it on it is so exponential that it’s actually worth saving for. If you keep stashing away a percentage of your paycheck, by the time you are 40, you will have a sizable retirement account balance.

2. Get A Money Discussion Going

When you are starting to earn your paycheck, you tend to become secretive of the amount. However, there are people whom you can share of details of your paycheck such as your close friends. It is a good thing if you can tell someone everything about your money because you can start to learn a lot. By the time you are in your 30s or your 40s, you will be more secretive of your salary. Being young, and in your 20s, it will be the right time for you to leverage your openness to make solid financial decisions. Being open with the details can help you save more money and increase your net worth.

3. Invest An Insurance Policy For Your Money

Every 20-somethings should consider having an emergency savings account. Failure to have one will make you vulnerable in cases of emergency and it may also dramatically increase your credit card debt. If you have an emergency fund, you will have something to fall back on no matter what. You will also have the confidence you need to move forward on the things you want to do with your finances.

4. Wake Up Early

Money never sleeps, only humans do. If you want to be wealthy, wake up early. If you haven’t heard the saying, the early bird gets the worm. In business, getting on the offense rather than on defense will allow you to grab many more opportunities that your competitors may be sleeping through.

5. Build Your Brand

Individuals who are in their 20s can be found promoting themselves on social media, but they usually get very little value in return. To make money and be wealthy, you have to really build a brand. Find a way to build a brand around yourself because the younger you are when you build it, the more valuable it will be to you and in a monetary sense over the years.

6. Meet With Millionaires

If you are eager to make money and create wealth, start surrounding yourself with millionaires. When you do this, you will know that there is no secret to success. You will learn that hard work leads to success. It can also give you inspiration and the motivation to act on the things you may learn from these millionaires. Not only that, but you’ll get a great idea of how millionaires spend and function with their money.

7. Keep your Key Financial Documents In Order

It should be YOU, not your parents who have your birth certificate, Social Security cards and other official documents. You should also keep a list of all your banking and investment accounts and other policies. Now that you’re in your 20s, stop expecting mommy and daddy to hold your hand through everything. It’s time to grow up, manage your own assets and make wise decisions that you will thrive off of for the rest of your life.


Hustling should be done at an early stage such as your 20s. It can lead you to success and help you create your wealth at an early age. In this post, I shared with you the step by step guide on how to create wealth in your 20s.

How To Dress For Success & Impress Everyday

Having a professional wardrobe is one of the primary steps that you can take to achieve success in whatever you choose to do. In this post, I shared with you how to dress for success & impress everyday.

The way a person dress says a lot about his personality, and it can influence us in our performance at work. Not only that, but the better you look the better you feel. There’s just something about looking like a million bucks that makes you feel like you can go out and get it.

Dressing properly can make good impressions and it can give a person the confidence they need to succeed. For example, Connor McGregor is one of the sharpest dressed individuals I have ever seen and his confidence can be seen a mile away. If you aren’t dressing for success already, you’re making a big mistake. Here’s how to dress for success and impress everyday:

1. Read The Dress Code

If you just landed a job, the first thing you should know is the dress code. Every company and organization has their own set of rules. Knowing what the company requires you to wear will be the first step to build your outfits around. You never want to violate anyone’s dress code and you want to adhere by the rules while impressing.

2. Wear Clothing That Properly Fits

Wearing clothes that are too tight or too loose can look ridiculous unfortunately. If you want to dress for success, you have to wear the appropriate size. If you need help, consult someone who specializes in helping people with their clothing choices so they can find you something that will fit your body.

3. Invest In Good Grooming And Good Clothing

Having your hair washed or wearing deodorant aren’t the only factors that can affect the way you look. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee or a client, it is recommended for you to invest in good grooming and good clothing. People are more likely to converse with you if you look clean and approachable. Good grooming is extremely crucial and it just begins with taking showers, shaving and taking care of your hygiene.

4. Avoid Inappropriate Clothing

When referring to inappropriate clothing in this situation, you want to avoid clothes that are distracting to the eye for others. For women, wearing a see-through blouse or a body hugging dress is probably not the best choice in the workplace. For men, wearing a tank top or gym attire is probably not the best choice in the workplace. It’s all about looking professional so that you can get taken seriously in the professional settings.

5. Wear Clean And Pressed Clothing

The worst thing you can do is to wear clothing that is crumpled and doesn’t look like it has been ironed. It just looks crushed and many people tend to focus more on that then they do what you have to say. When you walk into a room, you want to command everyone’s attention with what you have to say. However, many people lose that attention with a small mistake in their attire.

6. Wear Shoes That Go With Your Outfit

Dressing properly is not only about the tops and skirts or slacks. It also includes shoes. It is necessary that you invest in a few pair of shoes that will go with your professional outfits. One of the biggest mistakes I have seen is someone who wears a great suit or professional outfit and throws on a pair of Nike running shoes with it. It kills the entire outfit and it just looks absolutely ludicrous.

7. Invest In Solid Colors

Rather than having too many professional clothes with tons of different patterns, invest in solid colors. Solid colors not only give out a conservative feeling to others, but it also doesn’t create distracting attire.

8. Play It Safe With Ink, Piercings And Facial Hairs

Nearly 45% of people between 18 and 29 years old have a tattoo however many people still have unfavorable views of inked individuals. It may not be the basis for hiring or getting a client, but it depends a lot on the employer’s age, the industry and the way they feel. If you are in a formal interview or meeting, it is best to take out facial piercings, cover up tattoos and trim your facial hair keeping it clean. You don’t want the way you look to affect your chances of success.


Having a professional wardrobe is one of the primary steps that you can take to achieve success in whatever you choose to do. In this post, I shared with you how to dress for success & impress everyday.

10 Obvious Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give A Damn What Others Think

Are you here to live the best life you can or to please other people? That’s the easiest way to look at it and as long as you’re here for yourself, ignore what anyone else has to say. In this post, I shared with you 10 obvious reasons why you shouldn’t give a damn what others think.

In my journey of becoming an entrepreneur, I quickly realized one thing. If you care about what others have to say or think about you, you’ll never be successful. From the so-called friends who doubted me to the scrutiny I dealt with from others in the industry, people had a lot to say about a young entrepreneur trying to start his own company. In the beginning, these types of things would upset me. However, I quickly began maturing, growing and getting really good advice from others, which made me realize that I didn’t give a damn what others thought about me.

Life is great if you know how to live it. You don’t have to hold yourself to a certain standard that other people consider as “the norm.” You don’t have to live your life following the notions of what people want to see. Just be yourself and believe in yourself. What someone else says or thinks will never bring you happiness and if it doesn’t make you happy, why deal with it?

If you still aren’t sure whether you should care what others think about you, here are 10 obvious reasons why you shouldn’t give a damn what others think.

1. They Are Certainly Wrong About You

People are idiots, and that is the harsh truth. However, nobody besides your closest friends and family members really know much about you. There are tons of stupid people out there who are self-centered and really just want to see you fail. As unfortunate as it is, it’s human nature to an extent. When someone thinks or says something about you, it doesn’t make it correct. The only way it becomes correct is when you begin to believe it yourself.

2. It Will Bring You Down

If your happiness is all wrapped up in the opinion of others, you will never attain happiness. If one small insult or one wrong opinion will send you into depression and self-loathing, you will be living a life of fear. You can’t succeed in a life feeling vulnerable with each step you take. You should not let one thing or one word change the entire course of your happiness. You need to have the courage to stop giving a damn about what people think about you. Some of the most successful and iconic figures are villains in the face of the media, but they laugh it off.

3. They Will Keep You From Achieving Your Dreams

If you are always worried about what other people think about you, you will never get to where you need and want to go in life. You don’t have to do things that should meet people’s expectations. There will be a time when you have to put your pride and reputation on the line just to get what you want. Always worrying about what people think of you will keep you from doing what is right for YOU.

4. If They Talk Shit, It’s Not About You; It’s About Them

People will always judge other people to feel better about themselves. People may often speak badly about you, hate you and judge you because of what has become of their lives. Their lives turned out to be bad so they’re looking to take their frustrations out on someone else. The chances are that the reasons why they’re judging you has little or nothing to do with you, but more to their inadequacies.

5. No One Knows Your Life, Except You

Even if it is your parents, they still don’t know everything about your life. People around you know just what you show them and what they hear from others. However, nobody aside from yourself knows the real YOU. Those who know the full story of your life will understand you, but for those who don’t, they are standing by waiting to pass judgement. Nobody can say anything that can define you unless you allow it to.

6. Opinions Are Not Truths

Every person will have an opinion about you and how they feel about you. Whatever opinion they may have about you, never think of it as the truth. People always talk shit and it doesn’t mean that it’s all valid. It’s a tendency for people to talk when they don’t know what to say and this makes them ignorant. So, if someone gives an opinion about you, just shrug it off because it’s just a bunch of empty words at the end of the day. Remember, men and women lie but numbers don’t.

7. You Can’t Please Everyone

Do not try to be a people-pleaser or someone who is submissive to what other people want. Do not try to be everything to everyone. Being a people-pleaser is inherently toxic to one’s self-esteem and the ability to function efficiently. The truth is, no matter what you do, people will still hate you. We live in a world filled with haters, embrace them and carry on to be the best damn version of yourself.

8. It’s You Who Live With Your Choices, Not Them

Always remember that it’s your life, not theirs. They have no idea what makes you happy and they are not the ones who are living your life – you are. Other people will always have an opinion about what you do that they don’t like, but it is you who lives your life. If you love what you do, then no one cares what they think about you. Making them miserable at the fact that you own your life is the best answer to their judgment.

9. Everyone Judges Everyone Else

It’s human nature to judge others and some people just can’t help it. Sometimes it comes to the point that being judgmental can be a self-preservation issue. It’s harmless as long as we realize our prejudices and do not allow them to cloud our actions. However, just understand that the world revolves around judgment and as long as you stay away from the judging and being affected by the judgement of others, you’ll live a life of true joy.

10. Life Is Too Short

Remember that you only live once in a lifetime. You get one shot in life, so don’t dwell on worrying what people think about you. Do whatever you want to do that makes you happy as long as you do not interfere with other people’s lives. Live your life like it’s just you and you’ll attain great freedom.


Are you here to live the best life you can or to please other people? That’s the easiest way to look at it and as long as you’re here for yourself, ignore what anyone else has to say. In this post, I shared with you 10 obvious reasons why you shouldn’t give a damn what others think.

8 Sacrifices Successful People Are Willing To Make For Their Success

Sacrifice is vital for every anyone to be successful and you have to be willing to make a number of these sacrifices. In this post, I shared with you 8 sacrifices successful people are willing to make for their success.

Behind every successful person is a number of sacrifices that very few people know about. Success comes with a price and sometimes it includes sacrificing some of the most important things you have just to reach the top. Every successful entrepreneur has made sacrifices to build themselves great wealth and success.

Sacrifice is a part of life. Our parents have all made sacrifices at some point to give us a better life and we make sacrifices every day for us to reach our dreams. Success can be demanding, which in turn requires sacrificing the comforts of life. If success didn’t require effort, everyone would be equally successful without having to give up anything.

In this post, I will share with you 8 sacrifices successful people are willing to make for their success:

1. Money

Money is one of the sacrifices successful people make. Money is sacrificed in a few different ways especially. First, they are willing to risk their earnings and money for long-term gain and success. Whether it’s obtaining a loan or investing their own money, they’re willing to take a risk that may or may not pay off. Secondly, many successful people are willing to live below their means and earn very little money in the short-term to one day be successful.

2. Sleep

Another sacrifice that successful people make in order to achieve success is their sleep. Successful entrepreneurs sacrifice a good night of sleep to plan for the success of their business. Sleep is a sacrifice that successful people make because they know that they don’t necessarily need too much of it. Sacrificing sleep can unlock more hours in the day for you to do more work and carry out your vision.

3. Comfort

I’ve said it many times that I truly don’t believe that change and comfort can go together. You can have one, but you can’t have both at the same time. Part of being successful requires you to apply change in your life in many different ways. As you go through that change and growth, you lose your comfort. One of the sacrifices that successful people do is giving away their comfort.

4. Social Life

Many successful people have or do have social lives, but they do a great job of controlling it. Instead of going out every night or every few days, successful people understand that they have to make sacrifices with their friends, family members and loved ones. They have to work more hours and stay energized so that they cannot go out as often. As a result of this, successful people have no problem in reducing their social lives significantly while they chase the pinnacles of success.

5. Personal Life

Often times, personal life comes in the way of achieving success. Successful people need to sacrifice their personal lives to achieve their goals. It may include sacrificing some time to spend with friends or family. Not only that, but their personal lives might take a toll from their goals of success. When you want to be the best at something or be extremely successful, it isn’t a career. At that point, it becomes a lifestyle. As a result, you have to sacrifice your existing lifestyle to adapt to a new one while ensuring you can get everyone around you to support you on your new journey.

6. Health

In reality, when an entrepreneur becomes determined to achieve their goals, they start to neglect their mind and body and become engrossed to achieve success. They tend to eat less healthy, exercise less and pay less attention to their body. While this is in no way recommended or suggested, it is a sacrifice that many successful people do unfortunately make. They neglect parts of their lives to improve other parts of their lives.

7. Sanity

Part of being successful requires you to lose your sanity at some point. When people become too stressed, tired and overworked they end up losing their grip on sanity in certain moments. There will be days they question themselves and wonder if what they are doing is worth it. Some people even call them crazy for working so hard. However, it’s a sacrifice they need to do to succeed.

8. Time

Time is the number one sacrifice people make, especially successful people. Unlike individuals who work 9 to 5 and have the luxury of free time after their 8-hour shift, entrepreneurs and success driven people do not work to any specific schedule. Instead, they work more of a timing that is from wake to sleep. For them, time is a luxury that they need to use efficiently.


Sacrifice is vital for every anyone to be successful and you have to be willing to make a number of these sacrifices. In this post, I shared with you 8 sacrifices successful people are willing to make for their success.

10 Weekend Habits That Highly Successful People Follow

Successful people also take their weekends seriously to rest, relax and reflect. Most importantly, they prepare themselves for their weeklong grind in the upcoming week. In this post, I shared with you 10 weekend habits that highly successful people follow.

While most people know what other successful people do during the week, many of us are unsure of how successful people live during the weekends. Everyone has the same 24 hours a day, but how we use the time each day directly impacts how much you can get done. A great way to get ahead is to utilize your weekends in a much more effective manner than others do.

From my own experiences and from talking with numerous other successful individuals, I have learned quite a bit about what other people do during the weekends. I quickly found out that most successful people had very unique weekend habits and these habits set them apart from other people. These habits are the reasons why they are successful and they continue to excel in their respective fields.

Change your weekend habits and you might find yourself tapping into potential that you never knew you had. In this post, I will share with you 10 weekend habits that highly successful people follow:

1. They Don’t Sleep In 

It has become a habit for highly successful people to wake up the same time they normally do regardless of what day in the week it is. For the average person, they are tempted to sleep in during the weekends to catch up on their lost sleep. Even though it might feel good temporarily, having to wake up at inconsistent times can disturb a persons circadian rhtyhm. When you sleep past your normal wake up time, it can disrupt your body clock and make you far less productive when Monday rolls around.

2. Mornings Are “Me” Time

Most of the successful people I know have family, friends and various responsibilities. They have said that finding some “me” time is often tough, but they make sure that they carve our sometime for themselves. They find a way to engage themselves in activities that they are passionate about. Having some “me” time each morning can pay massive dividends in happiness and cleanliness of the mind. The mind achieves peak performance two to four hours after waking up. Successful people make use of this and engage into something mentally challenging while their minds are at its peak.

3. They Create A Schedule

Weekends are a time to rest and slow down after a week of grinding and hustling. However, successful people can be restless and they want to do something that they can benefit from when Monday comes around. They plan tasks that they want to accomplish on a Saturday or a Sunday. These various tasks can help them feel that they are still productive during the weekend while they still get to enjoy their free time.

4. They Catch Up On Important Things

Contrary to what most people believe, successful people do not spend all their waking hours working. They also make time for their family members, friends and other relationships that are meaningful to them. Not only that, but they also utilize this free time to get some chores done and fit in some exercise. Successful people understand that work is important, but family, home, and health are also just as important. They make sure that they balance their work life and home life.

5. They Take A Break

Successful people also take time to take a break. They understand that their minds should not be working full-tilt 24/7 and they utilize the weekends to really disconnect from their work lives. They add entertainment to their weekend to relax and take their mind off of work.

6. They Pursue Their Passions

Pursuing their passions during the weekend is one way for successful people to escape the stresses of daily life and open their minds to new ways of thinking. Pursuing your passion can help stimulate the different modes of thought that can reap huge dividends over the coming week. For example, I play competitive basketball in an adult league during the weekends that helps me analyze and think of things much differently than I would in the business world.

7. They Disconnect

Disconnecting themselves during the weekend is one of the most important habits many successful people follow. Exposure to electronics even on weekends can cause you to somehow get involved with work. Continuous exposure to electronics can give a constant barrage of stressors that prevents a person from refocusing and recharging. Disconnect when you really don’t want to think or focus on work.

8. They Volunteer

Over the weekend, some successful people engage themselves in various types of charitable events. They take this opportunity to network and meet others while also being able to create change in the world. It also helps brand them as a philanthropic person. It helps to improve their branding, their image and gives them a sense of fulfillment they may not find elsewhere.

9. They Reflect

Weekly reflection is vital for successful people. It is a powerful tool for their self-improvement. They use the weekend to contemplate the larger forces that shape their industries and careers. This can then often times allow them to see things in a whole new light. They use their insights to alter their approach for the coming week and improve their efficiency of work.

10. They Plan For The Upcoming Week

Successful people know that they also need to be more productive and efficient for the upcoming week. So, they take time on Sunday to plan for the upcoming week. They set aside some time to check their schedule for the week ahead and create a plan in regards to how they can tackle the challenges looming ahead.


Successful people also take their weekends seriously to rest, relax and reflect. Most importantly, they prepare themselves for their weeklong grind in the upcoming week. In this post, I shared with you 10 weekend habits that highly successful people follow.

7 Important Lessons About Money The Millionaire Next Door Taught Me

Without having the conversation I had with the millionaire next door, I may still not have had the right perspective about money to this day. In this post, I shared with you 7 important lessons about money the millionaire next door taught me.

Have you ever thought of how a millionaire came to achieve the financial wealth that they have? I have always wondered that and this was a curiosity of mine from a young age. Luckily enough, I had a neighbor almost 7 years ago who was a millionaire. Best of all, he was happy to answer every question I had about financial success.

It is no secret that millionaires have different habits, qualities and ways of thinking than the average person. The habits that millionaires practice are most prevalent when it comes to managing their money. Their thinking is extremely unique, which in turn helps them earn more money and make wise financial decisions.

When it comes to building wealth, there is no complicated formula: save more and spend less. But aside from that conventional way of thinking, there are more tips and lessons that you can learn from successful millionaires. I will be sharing with you 7 important lessons about money the millionaire next door taught me:

1. Anyone Can Make Money As Much As They Want

Whether you were born poor or extremely rich, that has nothing to do with what your earnings may be later on in life. Anyone can make money. It does not require you to have a fancy degree to earn a lot of money, especially if you’re living in a free market economy. Self-made millionaires have taken advantage of this opportunity for centuries. Never set a limit or a cap on how much money you want to make, the sky should be the limit.

2. Background, IQ, And Degree Are Irrelevant

Another lesson from millionaires; your background, the highest level of education and IQ is irrelevant when earning money. Money comes from hard work, perseverance and capitalizing on the right opportunities. Neither Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg finished their collegiate degrees, but today they are one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Where you come from, how intelligent you are and what college you graduate from don’t determine you future. They can play a role in your future, but if you hustle hard enough, you can get rich without any of that stuff.

3. Solution To A Problem Means Money

People who made money are those who give solutions to problems. This was the most important thing I learned from my neighbor. He kept repeating and grinding this idea into the back of my mind. The more problems you solve, the more money you make. The more important the problem is to people, the wealthier you will get. To get truly rich in the world today, you have to isolate problems and come up with creative problems with through products or services.

4. Don’t Believe That Life Is A Struggle

Life is never a struggle. There will always be naysayers that will tell you that life is a struggle. They will tell you that you should just settle and be grateful for what you have. Being grateful is a must, but don’t let gratefulness limit how successful you can be. A millionaire is restless, they are never fully satisfied with where they are at and they’re always seeking to be greater. You will experience difficulties along the way to become successful, but don’t treat life as a struggle. Instead, deal with it as a challenge that you can overcome to be successful.

5. Expect To Make More Money

You might have heard this a million times – think big! Nevertheless, people still forget about how important it is to think big. Don’t worry, I was the same way. When I first got started, I would go around telling everyone I just wanted to make $1 million dollars and that would be amazing. However, why should I settle for $1 million when there are others who are making $10 million or $100 million? Never stop and never settle. Think bigger and surround yourself with people who are achieving amazing things so that you never feel limited in what you can achieve.

6. Don’t Wait For The Money To Come To You

If you want to earn a lot of money and become a millionaire, then you should do something to make it happen. No one will hand you money and the only way to get rich by sitting and being patient is to win the lottery. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than you do winning the lottery. If you really want to be wealthy, you need to work your ass off to achieve it. No millionaire became a millionaire just by getting handed a ton of money. You need to get off your ass and do something to get rich!

7. Getting Rich Is Within Your Control

Many people become discouraged to earn a lot of money because they believe that they don’t control how much money they can make. I’ve seen this to be the case with many college graduates who think that their degree has already determined the maximum amount of money they can earn. If you’re degree is limiting you, follow an industry or a path that your degree isn’t involved with. A lot of people think that getting reach is out of their control and only the fortunate ones achieve this. The truth is, you control how much money you can make. If you really want to be rich, you have to make sacrifices, seek opportunities and put in more hours than others are willing.


Without having the conversation I had with the millionaire next door, I may still not have had the right perspective about money to this day. In this post, I shared with you 7 important lessons about money the millionaire next door taught me.

30 Tiny Habits That Can Make A Big Difference In Your Life

In this post, I share with you 30 tiny habits that can make a big difference in your life. Small things can go a long way in changing your life.

Believe it or not, there are tiny things you can do to make a difference in the world. In order to really have a lasting impact though, you have to turn your tiny changes into consistent habits. Making positive life changes can often times be difficult and overwhelming to many people.

The truth is, change is difficult for almost everyone. Change and comfort don’t go together. If you want to comfortable, don’t expect to change. On the contrary, if you’re willing to give up your comfort, you can create massive change in your life.

To make a big difference in your life, you have to start with small changes to your routine and lifestyle before you can focus on the larger ones. Here are 30 tiny habits that can make a big difference in your life:

1. Sleep Early

We were always told to get eight hours of sleep, but most of the time sleep is not a priority in our lives. Sleeping early and making it a habit will have plenty of benefits for the health and it will allow you to wake up early.

2. Make Your Bedroom Your Sleep Cave

Transform your room into a place of only sleep. Too many people work, read and utilize electronics out of their bedrooms. If you avoid the electronics and make your room a relaxation cave, you’ll find yourself much better rested.

3. Exercise Regularly 

Exercising regularly has its benefits for the mind and body. When you make it a habit of doing partaking in some sort of exercise daily, it will help you to clear your mind of stress, clear your body of tension and help you achieve a greater sense of healthiness.

4. Read Something Every Night 

If you want to be a better person and more successful in your career, you have to constantly educate yourself. One of the best ways to learn more and become smarter is to read something every single night. One of the best ways to shut down your body is to do something that doesn’t involve electronics, such as reading every night.

5. Learn A New Language

Being bilingual or multilingual never hurts and learning a new language has a ton of benefits. Self-education of a new language does not require you to go to school or to go through some sort of vigorous curriculum. There are online apps available that you can use to learn the basics. Learning a new language can be exciting and it can also tap into other parts of your brain that you don’t use as often.

6. Being Super Focused 

There are hundreds of things you can probably fix about yourself or your life, but it’s best to start with one thing at a time. Be super focused and try to improve yourself over time instead of all at once. Mastering a single habit at a time is a far better approach because it will allow you to focus on improving one part of your life.

7. Try To Stay Prepared 

Those who are prepared are put in the best situation to thrive. Make it a habit of preparing all the things you need for that moment or that day. It is always better to be prepared than to cram at the last minute.

8. Park Your Car A Few Spots Farther

One of the best forms of exercise is actually known as walking. No matter how old you are, taking a nice stroll will be helpful. However, many people find it tough to fit in extra time to go on a walk. One of the best ways to include more exercise in your life is by doing little things such as parking your car a few spots farther.

9. Eat A Balanced Diet

This might be one of the toughest tasks to maintain. With a ton of fast food chains in the world, people are becoming more and more dependent on it. They forget how unhealthy processed foods are and they neglect a balanced diet. However, trying to eat a balanced diet regularly will become a habit. When you make it a habit, you will have a healthier life.

10. Meditate

The common misconception with meditation is that it’s a time consuming task. However, it’s easy to learn and you can really spend as much tim was you need to. Make it a habit to meditate for just a few minutes a day. Eventually, you will feel a difference mentally and physically.

11. Practice Gratitude

You might have heard this a ton of times, but saying thank you for everything you have received is good. It’s a great practice to constantly remind yourself what you are grateful about. Count your blessings because you’re always doing better than someone else.

12.  Drink More Water

Water is essential to the survival of your life. When you drink water, it cleanses your body and keeps you hydrated. Health is wealth and it starts with drinking enough water each day!

13. Reset Your Expectations

When you expect too much from others, you put yourself in a position to be disappointed. My motto has always been hope for the best, but expect the worst. While some may say this is a pessimistic way to think, you keep your expectations at bay. This has allowed me to achieve much less stress and far less disappointment.

14. Take Deep Breathes

Taking deep breaths can help lessen tension, stress, and anxiety. It can make you calmer and think better. Take a deep breath especially when you’re having a tough day!

15. Reinforce You Goals

If you are serious about your long-term goals, never forget about it. Make it a habit of reminding yourself of your goals constantly. By reinforcing your goals, you’ll be one step closer to achieving it and it will take you to the right path.

16. Plan For Tomorrow

Every day, we have a goal we want to accomplish. However, too many people are caught up in the present and don’t think of the future. Think and plan for tomorrow just as much as you live in the present. When you accomplish this, you will have daily success. If you make this a habit, you will be successful in your everyday life.

17. Learn To Say No

Most people hate to say no because they are nice people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the nicest person in the world as well but priorities are important. The more you learn to say no, the more focused you’ll stay on your goals and the better chances of being more successful you will be.

18. Ask Open-Ended Questions

It is not enough to just throw questions that are easily answerable by a yes or a no. Ask questions where you can have a deeper conversation, learn something and relate with others. When you make this a habit every day, imagine the wisdom you will gain for the near future.

19. Be Silent

This isn’t another breathing or meditation exercise, but so much more. By being silent, you get to take time to hear what others have to say. The less you talk and the more you listen, you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn. This habit is one of my favorite things to practice!

20. Respond To Invitations

There are emails sent daily, some of which may be invitations to various things. Do not hesitate to respond. Your response is important, but it does not have to be a yes or a no. Take time to think by responding “I’ll check my calendar.” This response is better than not responding at all.

21. Stay In Touch With Friends And Family

As an entrepreneur, I know most importantly how tough it is to stay in touch with friends and family. Your work and personal life can get overwhelming at times causing you to forget about your loved ones. Your friends and family are your greatest gift. Keeping in touch with them will not only make them happy, but it will also strengthen a relationship.

22. Be Interested

Today, almost everyone is super obsessed with themselves and they are constantly talking about themselves with others. However, what other people want more than anything else is a great listener. Listen more, speak less and see the difference it makes!

23. Give Credit

If you are the boss, never forget to give credit to your employees. Not only that, but regardless of what your position is, you should give credit to others for good work that they do. This will help others stay motivated, work harder and you can make someone’s day with a few words of encouragement. Make people feel appreciated!

24. Take One Picture A Day

Pictures can tell a thousand words. The picture you have today may be ordinary, but 20 years from now, it will be a treasure. When you go back, you will remember your accomplishments through the pictures.

25. Disconnect From Your Phone

I am a culprit of constantly being on my phone, but sometimes it’s so nice to disconnect from your phone. Overusing your phone can affect your relationship, goals and your health. Taking a pause from your phone can improve your family relationship, work ethics and health. Making this a hobby can result in improvement.

26. Think Positively

Develop a mindset of thinking positively about yourself and what you do can make a big difference in your life. This will help you to be motivated and positive to overcome hurdles head on.

27. Avoid Multitasking

Many busy people think that multitasking is a must. But as much as possible, avoid multi-tasking. Multi-tasking can prevent you from being productive. Instead, focus on a single task and accomplish it before jumping to the next one. Make it a habit and you will see yourself being more productive.

28. Eliminate The Non-Essentials

Identify what is essential and useful in your daily life. Then, you will be left with things that are not essential. This can change a life because it helps to simplify things and focus on the important things that really matter to you.

29. Practice Self-Compassion

Do not be hard on yourself if you have a setback. Instead, treat yourself with compassion and reassurance. Stacking guilt on top won’t make things better and you’ll just end up being more stressed.

30. Be Charitable 

You don’t have to be a philanthropist to donate money. If you find it in your heart to help and give, you can give to a charity of your choice. In fact, only give what you can and when you can. It does not have to be a big amount, but knowing that you’re helping others is one of the most fulfilling feelings in the world!


Small things can go a long way in changing your life. In this post, I shared with you 30 tiny habits that can make a big difference in your life.

How To Learn Anything Faster And Smarter

Learning new things may take time, but it can be done faster and smarter by making yourself available to do it. Perseverance and practice are essential to mastery. In this post, I share with you ways on how to learn anything faster and smarter.

I don’t care what you do in life, if you want to be successful at it….you have to be willing to learn and educate yourself constantly. Whether you’re trying to be the greatest basketball player in the world or run the biggest restaurant in the world, you won’t be successful without constant education. For many of us, there are lots of things that we want to learn, but we can’t find enough time to do it.

Often times, people are intimidated by learning new things because they think that it will take them a long time. That might be true depending on how you approach it. I used to feel overwhelmed and terrified of learning new things because I wasn’t ready to commit so much time and effort. However, I began learning how to learn.

Being a quick learner has nothing to do with having a higher IQ or anything like that. There are just people who can learn things quickly because of the way they approach it. In this post, I will be sharing with you some ways on how to learn anything faster and smarter.

1. Model The Path of The Masters Before You

Before you can learn something, ask yourself who the masters of this industry, niche or topic were before you? Then, you have a person to follow. In your journey of learning something new, avoid reinventing the wheel. Why reinvent the wheel when it has already been created? To learn things faster and smarter, model the path that masters have already spent time carving out. Follow someone’s footsteps that is already achieving the results that you also want. Take the same actions and you will get similar results.

2. Deconstruct The Skill

To be able to learn faster and smarter, you should be able to break down each of the parts and look for the most important things to learn first. Breaking down the skills into its core and fundamental components will make it a lot quicker to learn. If you embrace this thinking style, it will show you exactly what you may already know and what you still need to learn. To learn rapidly and efficiently, always break things down into parts and learn one thing at a time.

3. Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is the guilty pleasure that everyone partakes in at some point. However, recent studies have proven that multitasking actually makes you less efficient and less focused. Multitasking is one of the biggest hurdles that can prevent people from learning intelligently and rapidly. When you decide to learn something, get locked into ONLY learn that one thing.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

What do you do to learn a skill and master it? Practice! Many people truly live by the 10,000 hour rule for mastery. That rule basically says that to truly have something down, you have to spend 10,000 hours practicing it before you can become a master at it. Many people struggle to achieve mastery because they aren’t willing to practice it. Just remember, experience is the best teacher!

5. Seek Immediate Feedback

Feedback is important for a person to become a master. Feedback will be your driving force to become better at what you do. When you get good feedback about new things you have learned, it will help you improve upon it. Not only that, but if you can get advice on your new education from others who are a master at it, you can quickly figure out what you’re doing right and wrong and fix it. When you receive negative feedback, it means you need to practice it more to get better at it. Feedback is a great teacher and it can help you learn things the right way rapidly.

6. Never Think Of Quitting

People far too often are willing to quit as soon as they fail at something. For every first time or every beginning of something new, we always experience a sense of euphoria. Many people get extremely excited about something new, but as they put the time and effort in, they quickly become disinterested or find it tough and look for ways to get out of it. If you want to learn new things and be successful in life, you have to persistent with a never quit mindset.


Learning new things may take time, but it can be done faster and smarter by making yourself available to do it. Perseverance and practice are essential to mastery. In this post, I shared with you ways on how to learn anything faster and smarter.

How To Unlock The Power of Niche Marketing And Accelerate Your Business Forward

In this post, I share with you ways on how to unlock the power of niche marketing and accelerate your business forward. Niche marketing may not always be the sexiest way to grow a business, but it can help a business scale rapidly.

Niche marketing is the concentration of all the marketing efforts on a small but specific and well-defined segment of the population. Niches are usually created based on the needs, wants and requirements of the customers. Often, these are the needs that have not yet been tapped into. A good niche is carefully planned, thought of and crafted to cater to the needs of your target market.

The most common mistake that entrepreneurs make is falling into the “all over the map” trap, thinking that they can do everything and be good at all of them. Choosing the right niche is vital to have a successful business. In business, tapping into smaller niches might allow you to be highly focused and achieve massive success.

If you want to be successful in your chosen niche, here are ways on how to unlock the power of niche marketing and accelerate your business forward:

1. Be Very Noticeable

If you want to be successful in your chosen niche, you need to stand out from your competitors. To do this, you need to create branding that will distinguish yourself from the competitors. It is crucial that your brand appeals to your target audience. As much as possible, your product and everything associated with it should be appealing and relatable to your potential customers.

2. Look For A Partner

For entrepreneurs that are running a small niche business, it is expensive to offer customers a complete package from beginning to end. However, it’s a crucial offering that can give customers better satisfaction and get them hooked with your brand. So how can you spread awareness for your product? Look for a partner. Team up with an expert or another brand that can help you provide the entire package.

3. Utilize Offline Marketing

Too many new businesses completely forget and abandon offline marketing. However, online marketing may be the most popular trend, but offline marketing can still be extremely profitable. Some customers may want to touch, hold and sample your products. Offline marketing channels can be often inexpensive nowadays while providing really good returns.

4. Listen To Your Customers

In every business, the customer is the most important entity. As the owner of a business, never assume that you know your business better; your customer does. Asking them what they think will help you improve your business is a great way to survey and grow your venture. Always listen to what they have to say, whether it’s a compliment or a piece of criticism. Digest everything that you hear from your customers and see how you can possibly implement their feedback into your operations.

5. Accept Opportunities

Too many people are often closed minded and they don’t pay enough attention to others. If you are willing to accept opportunities and keep your eyes open, you’ll be surprised at how much you can learn. There are always opportunities available to improve or expand your business. However, too many people aren’t willing to listen and they miss out on game-changing opportunities. Be open to any possibility!


Niche marketing may not always be the sexiest way to grow a business, but it can help a business scale rapidly. In this post, I shared with you ways on how to unlock the power of niche marketing and accelerate your business forward.